7 Figure Foodie:

10 Ways to get paid to do what you love.

Join our membership group for only $97/month for lessons on learning how to select and sell online.


It's fantastic to see that your fitness company is looking to capitalize on your passion and create multiple income streams.

With so many opportunities in the fitness industry, there are many ways to turn your passion into profit.

Get paid to become a Professional Critic

Open-Box Videos are simply; real people giving unbiased reviews. Can you do that?

80% of online shoppers check some type of product review before making a purchase. Most check 2-3 review resources and observe several opinions on each source before making a decision. The more specific your product line (houseware, hobby, industry, skill, etc.) the more products you can review and still appeal to the same target audience.

ChatGPT Prompt:

  1. How can I create engaging and unbiased open-box videos for product reviews?
  2. What strategies can I use to attract and retain viewers for my review content?

Start the conversation!

Learn how to ask Chat GPT for product ideas and launch guides.

Create Custom T-Shirts:

Stop wearing other people’s clothes.
Simple custom t-shirts are a great way to build your brand awareness and have some fun. Depending on how technical and artistic you are, you will need a simple Shopify account and a few designs to start.

ChatGPT Enhanced:

ChatGPT Prompt:

  1. What are some tips for designing and selling custom foodie-themed t-shirts? 
  2. How can I use platforms like Shopify to sell my designs?

Instructional Videos:

Everyone loved the “Cool Teacher”… that’s you now!
Express your expertise. Though waiting to get paid by YouTube can be a long journey, they are an IMMEDIATE way to prove you are a good choice as a consultant.

ChatGPT Enhanced:

ChatGPT Prompt:

  1. How can I create effective instructional cooking videos to build my online presence?
  2. What are the best practices for promoting these videos to a larger audience?
Food God

Suggest Kitchen Tools:

Setup an online store full of products in less than a week.

With the advent of Shopify, Ali Express & Drop shipping, everyone now has the ability to sell almost anything. Big Box companies like Walmart, Costco, Target all get their goods from overseas, now you can do the same.

ChatGPT Enhanced:

ChatGPT Prompt:

  1. How can I set up an online store to recommend and sell kitchen tools?
  2. What are some successful marketing strategies for promoting these products?

Sell Ad Space on your Social Media:

Cut your cost in half and reach a wider, better, audience.
Generate large referrals by partnering with people or companies that are already working with your perfect client type. Make sure your services don’t compete with the client’s budget and come up with some cool co-branded marketing.

ChatGPT Enhanced:

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Create Digital Products:

Get your knowledge out any way you can.
As an expert, your knowledge is your money-maker. The more ways you can package and focus your knowledge into bite-sized chunks, the more opportunities you have to increase your income.

ChatGPT Enhanced:

This content is for Members Only. Please login or register to access.

Beginner Cooking Guides.

Life needs Cheat-Codes.
Repetition is the mother of learning, it also gives us an opportunity to find shortcuts. Write down a step-by-step instructional guide on building, completing, training or learning something unique.

ChatGPT Enhanced:

This content is for Members Only. Please login or register to access.

Sell Digital Products

Repackage & Bundle Products:

People like innovative gift bundles.
Gift baskets exist for a reason. Save people time and money by putting together everything they need in one convenient/rebranded package. Hint: Pre-Orders can save you a ton on supplies.

ChatGPT Enhanced:

This content is for Members Only. Please login or register to access.

Wild spice

Repackaging Knowledge:

Create direct answers for people with no time to research.
Put together a collection of your favorite, most important, most requested, most list-able items and release them under a single client value labeled All-In-One Resource Kit.

ChatGPT Enhanced:

This content is for Members Only. Please login or register to access.

Campaigns (8)

Personal/Situational Assessments:

Give potential clients a sample of what you can do.

An assessment is a little more than a single page review of a person or a company’s current strengths and weaknesses. It can be a great way for an expert to prove themselves by highlighting the target area that needs immediate help.

ChatGPT Enhanced:

This content is for Members Only. Please login or register to access.

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Beyond creative solutions and ideas; discuss how to build a direct path to your objective. Access 25 years of income & business development knowledge combined with the best project planning AI on the planet – finely tuned to your exact specifications, budget time frame & resources.

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Tap directly into our audience niches or allow us to help you create amazing graphic and ads for your network.

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