Compelling Stories from Everyday Lives
- Diverse and Relatable Stories: Highlight individuals whose unique experiences and achievements make for captivating television. These can range from community leaders and educators to innovative entrepreneurs and groundbreaking artists.
- Human Connection: Emphasize how personal stories resonate deeply with audiences, offering inspiration, education, and entertainment.
In this section:

Leveraging AI for Budget-Friendly Production
Maximizing Efficiency and Creativity
- Script Assistance: Ask ChatGPT to generate dialogue, plot twists, and character development, ensuring a cohesive and engaging narrative.
- Scene Description and Visualization: Ask ChatGPT what visuals and set designs to strategically create and reduce the need for costly locations and props.
- Storyline Enhancement: Ask ChatGPT to suggest plot advancements and character arcs, maintaining a fresh and engaging storyline.
AI-Driven Production Workflow
From Pre-Production to Marketing
- Editing and Special Effects: Ask ChatGPT for suggections in the editing and special effects creation. Enhancing production quality without huge costs.
- Marketing and Audience Targeting: Ask ChatGPT to develop effective marketing strategies, ensuring the show reaches its intended audience efficiently.
- Focus on Storytelling: Allow creators to concentrate on the human element of storytelling while AI manages technical and logistical aspects, maintaining high production standards within a budget.
3 new prompts turn your responses into television.
Create MY Origin Story.
Add this Chat GPT prompt to your remailed form responses.
Use only Steps 2-6.
- My personal success story
- Intriguing concepts
- Overall show plot twists
- Glorious outcome
Write a short, cinematic, success story from this. Write it as the pilot episode of a tv show. Include the intro sequence, outline of the show, and outro.
Write a 1 page summary of the perfect target audience. Consider 2-3 possible sponsors that also would like this audience as well as the content in the show.
Plot out a multiple episodes.
Add this Chat GPT prompt to your responses from Prompt A.
- Episode by episode breakdown
- Specific show plots
- Per episode plot twists
- Cliffhanger ending
- Sponsor ideas
- Social media post calendar
Create a streaming tv series with 3-5 min episodes including:
Episode title, plot focus, plot twist, outcomes, cliffhanger ending, target audience, product placement (of products offered internally), potential external sponsorship types/industries per episode, and post calendar per social media platform (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn)
Give me a FULL breakdown on creating an exiting cinematic show that I can do by myself.
Add this Chat GPT prompt to your responses from Prompt B.
- Scene details
- Cell phone shots & angles
- Script outlines
- Free editing tools
- Stock video ideas

Everything you need to run a show in the palm of your hands.
Stop Procrastinating! Show off your unique talents, tastes, specialties, or just your point-of-view.
It’s your time to shine. But not your time to spend TONS of money building out an entirely new project. Partner up with Champion Mindset’s global audience and tailor-make your own show. Your ideas, your interests, your audience.
Start off small and watch your viewers, sales & sponsorship dollars increase until you are ready to launch off on your own.
Media Vs. Marketing
Work smarter, not harder. Focus on what matters most; Quickly publishing quality content, developing trust with audiences & closing sales.
“Marketing is a function of the wallet – media is a focus of the heart. Get them to love you, sell them anything.”- Errol Chung
Be the show.
Sell the Sponsorship.
Let your personality, wit, charm, skill & smarts earn you the credibility and income you deserve.
“If you stand out in a crowd long enough sooner or later someone’s gonna hang a sign on ya.” – Errol Chung

3 things most Successful Online Shows
have in common.
Amazing, branded, trending & relevant content.
Globally distributed to targeted, niche, audiences.
Simple, easy-to-order digital & drop shipped products.

Create inbound leads for your existing business.
Fun, Organic, Low-Cost Lead Generation.
Start the conversation with something they already like.
Creatives, Skilled-Talent & Service providers
Industry Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
Target your perfect audience
Learn hacks from the best of the best in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Geo-Targeting, Networking, Bots, SEO, SEM & Direct Marketing.
Target the buyers that mean the most to you with unique, multi-layered, campaigns
Top 3 reasons to start your own show
Stabilize your income by just doing what you love, here is the REAL roadmap to success.
Offer Monthly Paid Memberships
2,000 subscribers paying $5 per month is $10,000 per month. How many Fans & Followers do you have? Setting up a membership plan is easier than you think. All you need, is value.
Get Monthly Paid Sponsors
With today's global climate, business owners are more eager than ever to receive marketing & sales assistance. Position your program and learn to leverage the mass and focus of your audience.

12 MORE Reasons to launch your own show

How do "normal" people get tv shows
We no longer seek the approval of networks, casting agents, and pre-set models of perfection. Any one with a cell phone, wi-fi, a personality & a story can host their own show.

Quick Cash with Mini-Podcasts
Stop the rules of traditional podcasts and create Minis! 1-4 min concept summaries that help your listeners quickly solve a problem or jump out of a bad mood.

Create ways for sponsors to pay you
Literally thousands of opportunities exist from covering the behind-the-scenes of a new business launch to creating a platform for artists to showcase their work.

Content that matters
Learn the secret formula to consistently creating incredible media. Interview questions, blog & show topics, games, and so much more. Never run out of fresh, relevant, ideas.

Leverage the power of interviews
You are a Show Host with the ability to bring attention to any topic, project, or person you choose. We will teach you the ultimate guide to find the most influential people to help you build your brand.

Convert followers to paid members
Once you know you have a strong concept, immediately start to convert Likes & Shares into PAID membership subscriptions. 1,000 people x $20/month is $20,000 per month.

Find your target, niche, audience
Nested in a few very specific social media groups; online businesses and social periodicals are the hidden jewels to create legions of loyal, wealthy, active followers.

Learn How & What your audience buys normally
Consider the idea of selling solutions and ideas your learned WHILE building your skillset. Sell what you know as intellectual property: PDF, video, worksheet, drop shipped clothing and more).

Find people that want what you offer
Start with people you like. Solve a problem they are facing. Target that solution to a major metropolitan area. Align with organization and causes that like what you talk about.

Smartphone = Studio.
99% of what you need is already in the palm of your hand. Find the right apps, tools, settings, and how to actually use them. Learn how to turn your phone into a mobile studio.

Simple low-cost distribution
Social media has given most people an opportunity to spread their message. Google has become the universal answer to “where can I buy this...” create a path that works for you.

Build a smart versatile fast, virtual team
Worksheets, workflows, data management systems, project management systems & ecommerce systems all automated and working harmoniously with little involvement from you.
Want to know more?
Schedule a call today!
Become a member.
Only $97 per month
Gain access to the full Content Calendar Creator, ChatGPT Prompt Creator and all of our private coaching videos as well as ALL of the Private, Members’ Only Content on this site.
*Content updated monthly
Immediate Solutions.
Enhanced with ChatGPT Implementation Strategies
Beyond creative solutions and ideas; discuss how to build a direct path to your objective. Access 25 years of income & business development knowledge combined with the best project planning AI on the planet – finely tuned to your exact specifications, budget time frame & resources.