Make Money with Product Reviews.
3-6 Minute, Mini Podcast or Video Series on your favorite products.
A typical Mini Podcast should run 3-5 minutes. In 1 hour, you can record 10 – 15 episodes, easily. Focus on products and businesses that actually do know and visit often.
Once you have built a little, local, buzz for yourself, set a goal of $1000 per hour.
By charging $50-$83 each, that equals $1,000, for 1 hour of your time.

have YOU ever watched an "Open-Box" or "Amateur Food Tasting" video?
The things that you love most are usually the things that you know most about. It is this unique knowledge that makes you interesting to potential audiences.
Let us show you how to profit from your passions, publicly.
- Interview with industry leaders
- Live event, Product launch, Grand opening
- Play games & challenges
Each time the episode plays/airs, new commercials are added, and new revenue is generated.