5 simple elements that transform your content into streaming TV!


5 Parts of a show.

Mix & Match core elements to create your perfect episode.

Branded Intro/Outro

Create a single professional graphic logo to use as the opening and closing sequence to your content.

Main Characters

Based on the setup of the show (single show, sketch crew) keep your main characters limited so the audience can recognize them quickly in cover art.


Organic content is great in moments, but a consistent storyline helps the audience build personal value in your brand. Don't just show it, tell it.

Target Audience

Create solutions for people that you naturally connect to. Use your skill to help people that like the things you like and share your common interests.


Once you have a core concept, think of WHAT ELSE your audience would like. The business that offer THOSE solutions become your best sponsors.

Eat your Way Thru Wynwood, Fl. (2019)

Join the Miami DMT Team as they take their creative spirits, curious minds, and hungry bellies on a tour through one of the hottest, artists, neighborhoods.

Anatomy of the Episode.

Key logic to any successful show.


Understand your target audience.

Decide on who you want to talk to most. Talk to people that you share emotional, financial & family interests.


Understand their immediate goals.

Considering your audiences demographics, ambitions & income level allows you to position your best content.


package ideas to help them reach their goals.

Trust is the foundation of all sales. Offer a solution and explain exactly how it will best benefit them.


Focus on income. Don't get lost in perfection.

Focus on income by creating access for large sponsors or charging Followers a premium. 

Make Money with Product Reviews.

3-6 Minute, Mini Podcast or Video Series on your favorite products.

A typical Mini Podcast should run 3-5 minutes. In 1 hour, you can record 10 – 15 episodes, easily. Focus on products and businesses that actually do know and visit often. 

Once you have built a little, local, buzz for yourself, set a goal of $1000 per hour.

By charging $50-$83 each, that equals $1,000, for 1 hour of your time.


have YOU ever watched an "Open-Box" or "Amateur Food Tasting" video?

The things that you love most are usually the things that you know most about. It is this unique knowledge that makes you interesting to potential audiences.

Let us show you how to profit from your passions, publicly.

Each time the episode plays/airs, new commercials are added, and new revenue is generated.

1,000 subscribers
x Paying $20/mo =

Take the next step.

Start getting paid by your Followers.

Start the Conversation:

Consider “talking” to Chat GPT in plain conversational tone.

Incorporate your Target Audience into your new Marketing and Sales content in just seconds with these helpful ideas. 


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