Say what makes sense.




Understand why YOUR unique point of view is important and worthy of being heard.



Being consistent does not mean boring. It means finding the common thread thru several linking topics. 



Once you master the art of creating interest, there is nothing in this life that you cannot accomplish.


Time: 2:14

Prioritizing Your Audience's Needs

Show hosts have a critical role in focusing on audience interests, providing value through interviews, discussions, and entertainment. It’s essential to prioritize audience knowledge, offer consistent value, and engage interactively. Remember that a successful show allows you to regain control of your life and build your financial future while helping others succeed. Understanding your audience’s needs, addressing relevant topics, and making the content interactive are key to success in the world of media and entertainment.


It's Not About YOU!​

Time: 1:42

The true job of a show host is to bring a spotlight to topics that interest the audience. Not talk about themselves all day. Even when you are the single focus of the media, your JOB is to present value to your audience. 

Interview guests, discuss topics, entertain viewers all with the intent of making listeners lives, even if just for a moment. 

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No More Complaining.

Time: 2:21

Remember why you are taking this step. This is a BIG endeavor you are embarking on. When you become successful at this and build your show, your schedule and life once again become your own. 

Never ask for vacation time, bonus, sick days and completely rid of all office politics. This is your chance to build your financial future and do what you love most. 

Talking to people you like about things you like to talk about and helping them succeed. 

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Know your audience.

Time: 1:17

The more you know about your audience the more specific you can direct the conversation. Use REAL LIFE examples by understanding as much information about your target audience as possible.

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Constantly Offer Value.

Time: 2:12

Even though a lot of what we see on social media and tv is “purely entertainment” it still serves a purpose, to entertain. Don’t post content for the sake of posting. Make sure each piece has value.

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Understand the issues.

Time: 1:25

What are the topics that matter most to your audience? Is it school, work, money, family, relationships, or business? Target your conversation to bring solutions and build trust. 

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Make it interactive.

Time: 2:36

Never miss an opportunity to interact with your audience. End every episode with a Poll, a Challenge, or some action that you encourage them to take. Including (of course) Like, Share & Subscribe. 


Incorporate your Target Audience into your new Marketing and Sales content in just seconds with these helpful ideas. 


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